Max's Bar Mitzvah

June 15th, 2019

Find Out More

Let's Play It Forward!

Since sports are so much a part of Max's life, he has selected the organization, "Let's Play It Forward" as the focus of his Bar Mitzvah Project. This organization collects gently used sporting goods and matches them with teams in need. Max is working within our community to collect baseball gear, tennis gear, basketballs, soccer balls and gently used sneakers to donate to this organization. Max also routinely donates to the Jimmy V foundation. He did a project for Hebrew School about this foundation and is a proud supporter of it. See more about these charities below.

PHOTOS and HASHTAGS! Share your photos with us a #mimbarmitzvah2019

Weekend Events


JUNE 14, 2019, SHABBAT SERVICE, 7 PM at Congregation Kehilat Shalom, followed by a Dessert Oneg - All are Welcome.


JUNE 15, 2019 BAR MITZVAH SERVICE and RECEPTION immediately to follow. Bar Mitzvah service at 9:30 at Congregation Kehilat Shalom. (Service will be about 2 hours 15 minutes). Reception immediately following at the Cherry Valley Country Club. Reception will be from 12-5 PM. Dress for the children (13 and under) attending is: golf club chic - nice shorts and shirts with collars are OK as the kids will be playing active games both inside and outside.


JUNE 16, 2019 BRUNCH at the MAHONEY'S (9:30-?) at 33 Carsdale Court, Belle Mead, NJ. Come join us on Sunday morning before you head out of town for brunch! We'd love to see you! All are welcome!


Princeton Marriott at Forrestal - This is where we have a block of rooms set aside. Click on the image above to book at our group rate for the Mahoney Mitzvah Room Block. The hotel is about 20 minutes away from the Temple and the Mahoney House.


Max has selected the following charities to highlight.

Let's Play It Forward

Let's Play it Forward collects and donates used sports equipment to children and organizations in need. To date they have collected 78,949 pieces of gently used sports equipment. Let's Play it Forward was founded in February 2012, and their mission is to help charitable youth organizations and individuals in need to obtain the gear necessary to play the sports they love.

Find out more at:

Jimmy V Foundation

The V Foundation for Cancer Research was founded by ESPN and legendary basketball coach Jim Valvano with one goal in mind: to achieve Victory Over Cancer®. Since its formation in 1993, the V Foundation has awarded over $225 million in cancer research grants nationwide and has grown to become one of the premier supporters of cutting-edge cancer research.

Find out more at